Thursday, September 10, 2009

Calendar the Time

Why do we set aside a regular, weekly, calendared time to meet? Because it establishes a rhythm to the work we are engaged in with the colleague we mentor. It also establishes a core message -- you matter, I matter, and what we will learn together matters. It's that simple. There are other benefits. I have found over the years that meeting with a mentee every week at a set time results in the greatest growth in practice -- and growth in practice that our mentee can name within the mentoring relationship is a powerful weekly boost to professional esteem and energy. It also results in a habit of mind on the part of each of us to "show up" for reflection on pedagogical practice. Last year, a mentee said to me, towards the end of the year, "this time...our time together...this is the real work...this is where it happens!" That was nice to hear - but the real reason "it happened" was because he showed up. Every week. So I encourage you to get out your calendars this week - do it face to face with your mentee, or make a phone call - but do it. Set aside the time. Both you and your colleague will benefit beyond words from this simple action.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Absolutely. Not only is setting time aside the only way for your mentee to get the information and reflection s/he needs, but it reinforces the idea of accountability that teachers need to pass along to their students. Too often we forget how hard it is to juggle so many tasks, yet we ask others to do it as of it is effortless.

    Great blog! I am going to pass it along.

  2. The point you raise about accountability is a good one - it helps to have a trusted colleague to be accountable to, especially when what you want to be accountable to is actually your own goals and vision. When we are supported in being accountable - and we act and then reflect on the action with someone else - it has a big impact on our sense of efficacy! Thanks for participating, Rich.
